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ACS operates a full service A2LA accredited metrology laboratory. We offer Metrology and Calibration electronic databases to track your instrument calibrations and maintain ISO 17025 compliance and NIST traceability. ACS operates teams of qualified technicians who conduct on-site calibrations on a wide variety of instruments across a broad spectrum of industries, educational institutions, and government organizations. About Applied Calibration Services, LLC.
Based in the Research Triangle Park and serving Raleigh, Durham, Wilson, Greensboro and Charlotte is an Engineering and Technical Services Provider with a combined 100 years of experience that is capable of supporting clients from process development and establishing the basis of design, through licensure. Has developed a set of customizable startup administrative solut.
Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registration Private 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Scottsdale, Arizona, 85260
United States
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